Category Archives: This is 30

A Licensed Medical Provider Weighs In

It may come as a complete and utter surprise since I seem so put together and rational that I regularly attend therapy, but I do.  I go as part of treatment for chronic depression, but it’s helpful even when I’m feeling fine.

Anyways, I mentioned to her that I still miss Him #1.  She made the observation that I don’t miss Him #1 per se, but rather, I miss the feelings that he caused–like he opened the flood gates of excitement and attraction and I’m sad the well dried up.  (I don’t think I got that metaphor quite right, so sue me.)  She noted that those feelings will happen again and it just takes time.  You know what?  She’s right.  I mean I knew she was right, but it helps to have words for semi-conscious thoughts.  Is this what it truly means when “it’s not you, it’s me”?

As a side note, I’m fairly open about my mental health issues because I’m not ashamed that I suffer from a very real medical condition.   Here is my favorite TedTalk on the subject:

Twenty Sixteen – Day 1

Happy New Year!

I ended up going to a friend’s place last night and had a great time playing games, talking, and laughing!  Every time I have these experiences, I’m reminded how truly great it can be to be single–flexibility to hang out with the friends when the opportunity pops up at the last minute.  No checking with someone else’s schedule just freedom to do what I want.  I know a relationship doesn’t mean losing all that freedom, but it is an adjustment and  I feel it’s important to try to enjoy myself no matter the circumstances.

Source: Higher Perspectives

Anyways, since I didn’t get to have Netflix and chill time with the cats last night, I made up for it today.  I guess that’s not all I did.  I had a coffee date (nothing to report just yet) and then I decided to eat all the unhealthy foods.  Anti-resolution?  I had a delicious cheeseburger and fries for lunch and Chinese food for dinner.  To put it over the top, I ordered the only dish that could say: I’M A SINGLE PERSON WHO IS EATING HER FEELINGS.  A pu pu platter for one.  Those feelings can really be delicious.

Now I shall digest while watching TV and texting.