Category Archives: Times when I’m awkward

Trouble in Paradise?

Things with Him #2 are generally great–we’re still in the easy and fun puppy dog state and we have really great conversations.  We also have a great ability to talk about something serious and, on a whim, transition to something goofy and fun.  We’ve been spending a lot of time together and we’re even planning to go away together for a weekend in the next few weeks.

For the first time in basically ever, I will have Valentine!


But there is one big recurring issue–he talks about his ex wayyyyy too often.  I believe they broke up 2-3 years ago and he assures me that he is over her, but I assure you that he is not 100% over her.

Continue reading Trouble in Paradise?

Tales for a Tuesday

Story time!


Once upon a time, I went on my first first date with an online person.  Well.. he was a real person, but you know what I mean.

It all started a few years ago, when I reluctantly signed up for an online dating website at the insistence and with the assistance of a good friend.  She had been successful in meeting some decent guys and had been encouraging me to date.  (For the record, she’s not a cat person and I think that it bothers her that my Plan B for life is to become a verifiable crazy cat lady.)

Anyways, I made a profile with some photos I could scrounge and soon I had a message from a guy who seemed decent and fun.  I honestly don’t remember his name, so let’s call him Bubba to make the story sound more interesting.  Bubba said he would like to get a drink after work and offered to come to a bar near my office.  Ok.  Sure!  I can do this….


Continue reading Tales for a Tuesday

E-mergency! HALP! (Updated)

UPDATE:  I decided to ignore the request on Facebook and tell him why.  I said I didn’t want to accept the request because I tend to post a lot, and while nothing is secret per se, I’d rather get to know him organically.  I also said I hope I’m not offending him or hurting his feelings.  He said he hesitated sending it because he agrees it’s too soon, but because he mentioned that he saw me on Facebook, he thought I’d be offended that he didn’t friend me.

See what happens when you assume things?  You make an *ss out of you and ….I don’t remember the rest of the saying.  Mature and honest communication works…. Who knew?

I mentioned earlier this week that there are two gents currently on the dance card.   There is one that I’m leaning towards, but I’ve only had one date with the other one, who I have lovingly dubbed the Nerd.   The first date with the Nerd will likely be chronicled in another post, but needless to say, it was a bit… draining due to the extremely long and rambling stories accompanied by pictures.

That said… He seems like a really nice guy and I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was just nervous and can’t handle beer.  He admitted that he tends to talk too much.  So I want to give him another chance, but I don’t have super high hopes.

Anyways, here is the E-mergency.  It started with the following text from the Nerd:

Hey Facebook asked me today if I know you 🙂 I hadn’t even searched for you yet, now I know your last name 😉

Ugh.  FACEBOOK YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME!  I tried to tiptoe around the topic.

Continue reading E-mergency! HALP! (Updated)